Using the Pymakr Plugin, open and connect a device or use serial terminal (PuTTY, screen, picocom, etc). Upon connecting, there should be a blank screen with a flashing cursor. Press Enter and a MicroPython prompt should appear, i.e. >>>. Let’s make sure it is working with the obligatory test:

>>> print("Hello LoPy!")
Hello LoPy!

In the example above, the >>> characters should not be typed. They are there to indicate that the text should be placed after the prompt. Once the text has been entered print("Hello LoPy!") and pressed Enter, the output should appear on screen, identical to the example above.

Basic Python commands can be tested out in a similar fashion.

If this is not working, try either a hard reset or a soft reset; see below.

Here are some other example, utilising the device's hardware features:

>>> from machine import Pin
>>> led = Pin('G16', mode=Pin.OUT, value=1)
>>> led(0)
>>> led(1)
>>> led.toggle()
>>> 1 + 2
>>> 5 / 2
>>> 20 * 'py'

Resetting the Device

If something goes wrong, the device can be reset with two methods. The first is to press CTRL-D at the MicroPython prompt, which will perform a soft reset. A message, as following, will appear:

PYB: soft reboot
MicroPython v1.4.6-146-g1d8b5e5 on 2016-10-21; LoPy with ESP32
Type "help()" for more information.

If that still isn’t working a hard reset can be performed (power-off/on) by pressing the RST switch (the small black button next to the RGB LED). Using telnet, this will end the session, disconnecting the program that was used to connect to the Pycom Device.

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