Updating Firmware
To update the firmware on the Pysense/Pytrack/Pyscan/Expansion Board v3, please see the following instructions. The firmware of Pysense/Pytrack/Pyscan/Expansion Board v3 can be updated via the USB port using the terminal tool, DFU-util
The latest firmware DFU file can be downloaded from the links below:
While in the normal, application mode, the Pysense/Pytrack/Pyscan/Expansion Board v3 require a Serial USB CDC driver, in DFU, bootloader mode, the DFU driver is required. Below, the USB Product ID is depicted for each case.
DFU bootloader (update mode)
Application firmware (normal mode)
Expansion Board v3
Note: USB Vendor ID is always 0x04D8
Installing the DFU-util Tools
If using homebrew
If using MacPorts
Ubuntu or Debian:
DFU-util v0.9 – Tool to upload the firmware to the Pytrack/Pysense
Zadig – Installer tool for the Pytrack/Pysense board DFU Firmware
To uploaded the latest DFU firmware to the Pytrack/Pysense, first install the DFU drivers to the host computer. Open Zadig and select libusbK
as the driver.
To install the drivers, the Pytrack/Pysense board must be in DFU-mode:
Disconnect the USB cable
Hold down the button on the shield
Connect the USB cable
Keep the button pressed for at least one second
Release the button. When the board is connected in DFU-mode, it will be in this state for 7 seconds.
Click the
“Install Driver
button immediately. If the driver was unsuccessful, repeat from step 1.Here the USB ID has to be the DFU-bootloader one (
for Pytrack or0xF011
for Pysense).This is a successful DFU driver installation for Pytrack:
Open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where the DFU-util and the firmware was downloaded (must be in same directory). Repeat the procedure to get the board in DFU-mode and run the command below but replace X.X.X
with the firmware version and replace Pysense with Pytrack if it is the Pytrack that is to be updated (e.g: pytrack_0.0.8.dfu
If the update was successful, a message,"Done!" should appear in the bottom of the command prompt.
Double-check Serial USB (CDC) driver is installed in Application mode: if, by mistake, the libusbk
driver was installed while the USB ID is the Application mode (0xF013
for Pytrack or 0xF012
for Pysense), then the Serial USB (CDC)
driver has to be installed for application mode. This will allow Windows to allocate a COM port, which is required for REPL console.
Using DFU-util with Pytrack, Pysense and Expansion Board v3
To enter update mode follow these steps:
Unplug the device
Press the button and keep it held (on the Expansion Board the
button)Plug in the USB cable to the host computer and wait 1 second before releasing the button
After this you will have approximately 7 seconds to run the DFU-util tool
macOS and Linux:
You might need to run dfu-util
as sudo
. In that case, you will need to enter your password.
An output, similar to the one below, will appear upon successful installation:
Using lsusb
command, the Pytrack/Pysense device should be visible in both normal and bootloader modes.
For exemple, a Pytrack board is visible as either:
Bus 020 Device 004: ID 04d8:f014 Microchip Technology Inc. Application Specific Device
this is bootloader mode (
is USB PID), active just for 7-8 seconds, if the reset button was just pressed before plugging USB connector.
Bus 020 Device 005: ID 04d8:f013 Microchip Technology Inc. Pytrack Serial: Pyabcde0
this is normal, application mode (
is USB PID), this means the bootloader verified application partition and it boot-up correctly.
Last updated