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The pinout of the FiPy is available as a PDF File
Please note that the PIN assignments for UART1 (TX1/RX1), SPI (CLK, MOSI, MISO) and I2C (SDA, SCL) are defaults and can be changed in Software.
The datasheet of the FiPy is available as a PDF File.
The drawing of the LTE-M antenna is available as a PDF File.
By default, upon boot the FiPy will create a WiFi access point with the SSID fipy-wlan-XXXX
, where XXXX
is a random 4-digit number, and the password
The RF switch that selects between the on-board and external antenna is connected to P12
, for this reason using P12
should be avoided unless WiFi is disabled in your application.
The Vin
pin on the FiPy can be supplied with a voltage ranging from 3.5v
to 5.5v
. The 3.3v
pin on the other hand is output only, and must not be used to feed power into the FiPy, otherwise the on-board regulator will be damaged.
The AT commands for the Sequans Monarch modem on the FiPy are available in a PDF file.
Tutorials on how to the FiPy module can be found in the examples section of this documentation. The following tutorials might be of specific interest for the FiPy: