Last updated
Last updated
For the time being, we recommend to upload the MFRC630.mpy
file via FTP due to current limitations of Pymakr that will be fixed shortly.
Libraries for the rest of the components will be added soon.
Accelerometer: ST LIS2HH12
Ambient light sensor: Lite-on LTR-329ALS-01
RFID/NFC reader: NXP MFRC63002HN, 151
The Windows 7 driver for Pyscan is located here.
For other Operating Systems there's no driver required.
The pinout of the Pyscan is available as a PDF File
The board features a single cell Li-Ion/Li-Po charger. When the board is being powered via the micro USB connector, it will charge the battery (if connected).
The specsheet of the Pyscan is available as a PDF File.