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Last updated
Before you start, update your device to the latest firmware. Select stable firmware in Firmware updater. After firmware update is done, Sigfox ID and Sigfox PAC were assigned to your device.
Copy Sigfox ID and Sigfox PAC from the last screen of firmware updater.
Sigfox ID and Sigfox Pac is assigned to your device just once during the first update process. Sigfox ID and Sigfox Pac will not change after successive firmware updates.
After first firmware update you can also get your Sigfox ID and Sigfox PAC through a couple of commands via the REPL.
You need to register to the Sigfox Backend. Navigate to
Find the specific country country where the device will be activated. Enter the device's Sigfox ID and Sigfox PAC.
You should see green microchip if you entered correct Sigfox ID and Sigfox PAC
Then provide the required information including email address and complete registration.
When registering your other devices (not your first device), you already have created Sigfox Account before. Be sure you are login with your Sigfox account. In that way all of your devices will be added to same Sigfox Account.
After registration, you will receive confirmation email with password to Sigfox backend
Use your email and password to login to Sigfox backend.
If you enter correct credentials then you should be able to login to Sigfox backend.
You may want to transfer your devices to new Sigfox account.
Once you register your device on Sigfox backend, then your Sigfox PAC was used, and is not valid anymore. You need to get new Sigfox PAC. We don't update Sigfox PAC assigned to your device (which can be seen on last page of Firmware updater or read from device).
To get new Sigfox PAC navigate to your device on Sigfox backend. On device click on Sigfox Id of device you want to transfer.
Now you can see your new Sigfox PAC.
Once you know your new Sigfox PAC go to and register device with different account.