Last updated
Last updated
The pinout of the Expansion Board is available as a PDF File
Be gentle when plugging/unplugging from the USB connector. Whilst the USB connector is soldered and is relatively strong, if it breaks off it can be very difficult to fix.
The Expansion Board features a single cell Li-Ion/Li-Po charger. When the board is being powered via the micro USB connector, the Expansion Board will charge the battery (if connected). When the CHG
jumper is present the battery will be charged at 450mA
. If this value is too high for your application, removing the jumper lowers the charge current to 100mA
The specsheet of the Expansion Board is available as a PDF File.
The FTDI chip as been replaced with a custom programmed PIC like on the
Pysense/Pytrack/Pyscan boards. This allows our firmware update tool to
automatically put the module into bootloader mode.
Added a "Safe boot" button to enter safe boot easier. This button connects
to 3.3v
and if pressed and held while the reset button is pressed on
a Pycom module, the module will enter safe boot.
If PIC stays in bootloader mode, the should be performed