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In addition to the Expansion Board, Pycom also offers three additional sensor boards, which are ideal for quickly building a fully functioning IoT solution! Whether the application is environment sensing or asset tracking, these additional boards support a variety of sensors.
Pytrack is a location enabled version of the Expansion Board, intended for use in GPS applications such as asset tracking or monitoring.
The Pytrack is has a number of features including GPS, 3-Axis Accelerometer and Battery Charger. See the list below for detailed specifics about each sensor, including datasheets.
Serial USB
3-Axis Accelerometer (LIS2HH12)
Battery Charger (BQ24040 with JST connector)
MicroSD Card Reader
All of the included sensors are connected to the Pycom device via the I2C interface. These pins are located at P22
(SDA) and P21
Pysense is a sensor packed version of the Expansion Board, intended for use in environment sensing applications such as temperature, humidity monitoring, and light sensing.
The Pysense is packed with a number of sensors and hardware, see the list below for detailed specifics about each sensor, including datasheets.
Serial USB
3-Axis Accelerometer (LIS2HH12)
Battery Charger (BQ24040 with JST connector)
Digital Ambient Light Sensor (LTR-329ALS-01)
Humidity and Temperature Sensor (SI7006-A20)
Barometric Pressure Sensor with Altimeter (MPL3115A2)
MicroSD Card Reader
All of the included sensors are connected to the Pycom device via the I2C interface. These pins are located at GPI09
(SDA) and GPI08
Pyscan is a RFID-NFC enabled version of the Expansion Board, intended for use in scanning applications, such as RFID/NFC readers.
The Pyscan is packed with a number of sensors and hardware, see the list below for detailed specifics about each sensor, including datasheets.
3-Axis Accelerometer (LIS2HH12)
Digital Ambient Light Sensor (LTR-329ALS-01)
Serial USB
Battery Charger (BQ24040 with JST connector)
MicroSD Card Reader
Ultra low power operation (~1uA in deep sleep)
All of the included sensors are connected to the Pycom device via the I2C interface. These pins are located at P22
(SDA) and P21