
Below you will find a description of the various settings available for Pymakr.


This is the address of the Pycom module you want Pymakr can connect to. This can be either a serial port (e.g COM1 on windows or /dev/cu.usbserial-DQ0054ES on Linux/macOS) or an IP address (Telnet) (e.g. if connected to the AP created by the Pycom module).


If a IP address was provided for the address therefore Pymakr is connecting via Telnet, you will also need to provide a username, the default is micro.


If an IP address was provided for the address, Pymakr is connecting via Telnet. You will also need to provide a password, the default is python.


If left blank, all directories inside the project will be synced to the device when the user clicks upload. If directories are specified, only these directories will be synced, all others will be ignored


If set to true, the Pymakr console will open and try to connect when the editor is started, or a project is opened.


If set to true, Pymakr will reboot the connected device into safe-mode before uploading. This is useful if your code uses a lot of RAM causing issues with the upload procedure.

This feature is only available on modules running firmware version 1.17.0.b1 or higher.


Only files ending with the extensions listed in this setting will be synced to the device when performing an upload. All other files are ignored. By default this is set to include: py, txt, log, json, xml


If set to true, Pymakr will sent the ctrl-c signal to the connected module before uploading. This should stop the script currently running on the device and improve the reliability of the upload process.

Last updated